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A key element of all successful organisations is the performance of its people both individually and in teams. 

Alendi has developed a number of key tools to help organisations take an objective view of their current position and to tailor a process of improvement specifically matched to their needs.

John was commissioned to support the Trust with a fairly unique and ambitious piece of work, which involved the further development of our Council of Governors to become a more effective body that played a key role in the leadership and governance of the organisation. The programme of work, designed by John in conjunction with the Trust, covered conduct and behaviours, role clarity, and working relationships between key stakeholders. During the course of a year, John facilitated a number of workshops and produced a range of key outputs.

John expertly steered and facilitated the Council of Governors through the development programme, leading on clearly designed sessions that were both fun but also outcomes focused. John was a pleasure to work with and enjoyed the commitment, confidence and credibility of all those who participated in the programme. I found John to be hugely professional, responsive, and flexible in the support that he provided. Importantly there were clear outputs and outcomes from the work which the Trust can take forward, and we would not hesitate in using the services of John again.

Steve Garside

Company Secretary, South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust – July 2019